Star Trek Pins To order over the phone call 1-260-255-9619 Monday through Friday 10:00 am.- 5:00 pm. Eastern Time. Shipping is $6.00 per pin first class shipping with tracking #, when ordering more than 1 pin at a time I will combine shipping cost, for Canada orders please for shipping estimates.
Item #ST-PIN-1 Star Trek Voyager Theme Pin
$11.95 ea. In Stock
This Hollywood Pins officially licensed Star Trek Voyager pin is full color, out lined in gold toned, has the Trek Voyager logo at the top with the U.S.S. Voyager ship in the middle, with dark purple and green shades in the background, pin is almost 1 1/2" wide by just under 1 1/2" tall with push pin backing.
Item #ST-PIN-2 Star Trek Movies- Commander Curved Rank Insignia Pin
$13.95 ea. In Stock (ONLY HAVE 2)
This curved movie rank pin is as seen in the Star Trek movies from Wrath of Khan to Final Frontier, it would be warn on the sleeve of the uniform, gold and silver toned with 2 push pin backing, pin is over 1 1/2" long by 3/4" wide and almost 1/4" thick.
Item #ST-PIN-3-4 Classic Star Trek- Communicator or Phaser Pin
$11.95 ea. In Stock (ONLY HAVE 2 OF EACH)
These officially licensed Hollywood pins of the classic Communicator and Phaser have 1 push pin backing, the communicator is detailed in gold tone, with a gold opened antenna, black body, and white button panel, pin is about 2" long by 1/2" wide at the body of the pin. The phaser is out lined in silver tones, with a grey and black body, pin is about 1 1/4" tall by 1 1/2" long.
Item #ST-PIN-5 Star Trek Movies Flat Commanders Uniform Rank Pin
$13.95 ea. In Stock (ONLY HAVE 2)
These flat Star Trek movies Commander rank pins are silver and gold toned, as seen in Star Trek 2,3,4,5,6 these were warn on the color strap on the shoulder of the uniform, pin is almost 1 1/2" long by 3/4" wide and 1/4" thick, with 2 push pin backing.
Item #ST-PIN-7 Star Trek-Deep Space Nine- Cardassian Logo Pin
$12.95 ea. In Stock
These officially licensed Hollywood Pins Star Trek DS9 Cardassian logo pins are full color, outlined and detailed in red, backgound is green, pin is almost 2" long by almost 1 1/2" wide at the top, single push pin backing.
This Hollywood Pins, classic Star Trek Enterprise pin is full color, officially licensed, background is red with yellow Trek logo at the top, Enterprise is white, detailed in gold tone, single push pin backing, pin is about 1 1/2" long from saucer to end of necelle, by 1" tall.
Item #ST-PIN-10-11 Classic Star Trek Department Pins
$11.95 ea. In Stock
These Hollywood Pins, officially licensed classic Star Trek Department pins are gold toned with a black department symbol, ONLY HAVE 1 SCIENCE PIN, also have the medical department pin, single push pin backing each pin is about 1 1/2" tall by just under 1" at the bottom.
Item #ST-PIN-12 Classic Star Trek "Red" 30th. Anniversary Pin
$9.95 ea. In Stock
This officially licensed, Hollywood pins, Star Trek 30th. anniversary pin has the Delta shield in red with gold tone trim, black square background with the Trek logo and 30 Years in gold tone at the bottom, pin is about 1" wide by 1 1/4" tall, single push pin backing.
Item #ST-PIN-14 Star Trek-Deep Space Nine- Station Pin
$13.95 ea. In Stock
This Hollywood Pins, Star Trek Deep Space Nine-Station pin is gold toned, with a lot of detail, pin has single push pin backing, pin is about 1 3/4" long by almost 1 1/4" tall.
all prices are subject to change without notice, all rights reserved.copyright 2025 nostalgicnook