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Item #323-D Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade-Indiana Jones Plate
$59.95 In Stock(ONLY HAVE 1)
This 1989 Delphi Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade collector plate is near mint, has only been taken out of the box to check for all the paper work, certificate and all paperwork is also included, original box is in good condition, the artist of the plate is Victor Gardino, plate is 8 1/2" in diameter & has Indy (Harrison Ford) in his leather jacket, hat with bullwhip and behind him two lion statues, plate #323-D.
Item #1972-A Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade- Indiana Jones & his Dad Collector Plate
$89.95 In Stock(ONLY HAVE 1)
This 1989 Delphi Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade collector plate is near mint, comes with box & certificate and all paper work, plate has Indy (Harrison Ford) and his Dad (Sean Connery) as seen in the movie, plate is 8 1/2" in diameter, plate #1972-A, artist of the plate is Victor Gardino, this is the second plate in a series of 6, plate has only been taken out of the box to make sure there are no cracks or chips.
Item #5049-B Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade-Indiana Jones & Dr. Schneider Collector Plate
$74.95 In Stock(ONLY HAVE 1)
This 1990 Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade plate is near mint, comes with certificate and all paper work and original card board box, plate is 8 1/2" in diameter, has Indy in a suit with Dr Schneider in a blue dress suite, artist of the plate is Victor Gardino, plate #5049-B this is the third in a series of 6.
Item #4718-A Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade-A Family Discussion Collector Plate
$74.95 In Stock(ONLY HAVE 1)
This 1990 Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade collector plate is near mint, comes with all the paperwork and certificate and original card board box, has Indy (Harrison Ford) on a motorcycle with his dad (Sean Connery) sitting in a sidecar having as the plate is called "A Family Discussion" this is the fourth plate in a series of 6, plate is 8 1/2" in diameter, plate #4718-A.
Item #3506-A Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade-Young Indiana Jones Plate
$74.95 In Stock (ONLY HAVE ONE)
The fifth plate in the Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade collector plate series, Young Indiana Jones (River Phoenix) as seen in the opening moments of the movie, plate is near mint, all paperwork & certificate is incuded, original card board box is in good condition, plate shows young Indy with a lion and his bullwhip, plate is 8 1/2" in diameter, plate #3506-A.
Item #4137-A Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade-Indiana Jones with Holy Grail
$74.95 In Stock (ONLY HAVE 1)
This last in a series of 6, Delphi Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade- Indy (Harrison Ford) is holding the Holy Grail, in his leather Jacket, fedora hat, plate is near mint, original card board box is in good condition, all paperwork and certificate is included, plate is 8 1/2" in diameter.
Item #DELPHI-IJ-PLATES Delphi-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Set of 6 Collector Plates
$389.95 for set In Stock (ONLY HAVE 1 SET)
Here we are offering the complete set of 6 Indiana Jones plates for the price of 5, you get one plate free when you buy the complete set, all plates are near mint and un-used, all boxes are original card board boxes and all plates come with paperwork and certificates.(SHIPPING ON THIS SET OF PLATES IS HIGHER)
all prices are subject to change without notice, all rights reserved.copyright 2024 nostalgicnook