Moebius Models- 2001 A Space Odyssey- small & large Space Clipper, Aries 1-B, HAL-9000, Space Clipper, Moonbus, 1:350 Scale Discovery, EVA Pod, large Discovery, Grandpa Munster, Star Trek-Beyond-U.S.S. Franklin, Adam West as Batman, Julie Newmar as Catwoman, The Penguin & Burt Ward as Robin & Frank Gorshin as the Riddler, Romeo as The Joker, model kits from the 1966 TV Series, Creature from the Black Lagoon re-issue & Wonderfest exclusive Dr. Jekyll as Mr. Hyde frightening lightning numbered kit now in Stock.
Star Trek 8" X 10" photos now in stock click here Star Trek Photos
Now in Stock Neca- Universal Monster`s The Wolfman, Frankenstein Monster, The Invisible Man, Dracula & The Mummy 7" Full Color & Black & White Action Figures & Accessory Sets to Orderclick here
Here at Nostalgic Nook we care about our customers. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express. All online credit card orders are processed by PAY-PAL. We DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS. We also accept Money Orders & Cashiers Checks for U.S. orders ONLY. Payable to Nostalgic Nook.We usually ship within 24 hrs. of receiving the E-mail, or phone in order (Except on weekends & Holidays). Shipping first class with a tracking # for small items, keychains, stickers, patches etc start at $3.00 and go up. USPS priority ground shipping or UPS ground starts at $16.00 on larger items model kits etc, Shipping will be more on larger kits., Due to PAY PAL increasing selling Fees we NO longer refund shipping cost, unless shipping is extremely cheaper then estimated, Thank you, International shipping for CANADA best way possible $45.00 USD, . If you have any questions, please e-mail or call 1-(260) 255-9619, (WE DO NOT SHIP COD). Our mailing address is Nostalgic Nook, P.O. Box 8315, Ft.Wayne, IN. 46898. When sending any standard mail to us, if you want a response, please include a large SASE. There are more pages listed under each of the Main Catagories on the left side of this page. WE DO NOT SHIP TO INTERNATIONAL ADDRESSES, ONLY INTERNATIONAL ADDRESSES WE SHIP TO IS CANADA. Thank You.
Moebius Models-Creature from the Black Lagoon, Jonny Quest pre-built & painted Dragon Fly Jet, The Joker, 2001- Moonbus & Orion Clipper, The Riddler, Suicide Squad-Batmobile, Robin & Battlestar Galactica, pre-built & painted display Classic Battlestar Galactica- Cylon Raider also Mars Attacks Martian. Fantastic Voyage-Proteus submarine, 2001 A Space Odyssey- Discovery model kits now in stock.
General Information We have been in business for 29 yrs., started out by doing local mall shows in northern Indiana, had a store front for 8 yrs., website has been up and running for 19 yrs. We DO NOT HAVE A LAYAWAY program, we currently DO NOT offer gift wrapping for the holidays or birthdays. All online orders are processed by Pay Pal we also accept all credit cards and pay-pal & US money orders over the phone.
We accept all Major Credit Cards & Paypal over the phone
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all prices are subject to change without notice, all rights reserved.copyright 2025 nostalgicnook